Afghanistan ’11 (Video)

Afghanistan ’11 Video

Afghanistan ’11 is the sequel to the highly praised and innovative Vietnam ’65. It enhances and builds on it: Afghanistan ’11 changes the paradigm of wargaming and manages to bring Counter-Insurgency and guerrilla warfare to your screen, properly represented thanks to a revolutionary gameplay formula!

The year is 2011, you are commanding the US army operations in Afghanistan.

As before, players are faced with the task of destroying an ever-elusive enemy while striving to win the Hearts & Minds of the local population. They must juggle spending resources to fight the enemy, while at the same time capitalising on the opportunity to bring civilians to their cause.

They are facing a barrage of obstacles, from IED’s to hidden enemies such as local militia that excel at guerrilla warfare as well as Taliban troops that make their way over the mountains from Pakistan to stifle their efforts. Their own casualties can severely damage military progress while eliminating enemy troops and assisting villages and improving their infrastructure can significantly assist them. They will have many tools to achieve success, from the mighty Apache Helicopter to Special Forces units which can be used to train Afghan National Army Units or to hunt down the enemy.