Completely free of charge to all Circuit Breakers owners on either PS4 or Xbox One, a brand new update for the game is now available, adding new playable characters, deadly weapons, a game mode, power ups and more. The headline feature for this update is the new game mode, Wavebuster.
This is a brand new tower defense mode, challenging players to work together to defend a critical core from waves of deadly robots. New to Circuit Breakers for this game mode is the ability to place walls, plant turrets and upgrade them in order to assist you.
About Circuit Breakers
If you’re yet to hear about Circuit Breakers, it’s a delightfully nostalgic twin-stick shooter – a homage to the arcade era, with up to six player local co-op on Xbox One, and four players on PS4. From the easy to get to grips with controls, to the addictive ‘one more go’ gameplay, Circuit Breakers takes you back in time.