Root Letter: Last Answer, interactive elements showcased in trailer

In preparation for the upcoming launch of Root Letter: Last AnswerPQube and developer Kadokawa Games highlight the interactive elements of the thrilling visual novel. Players expecting a solely passive experience will be surprised: Root Letter: Last Answer is a captivating mix between a visual novel and an investigative adventure game!

Root Letter: Last Answer concludes the story of Aya Fumino in an enhanced version with new features on August 30th in Europe and September 3rd in North America for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. 

The Day One Edition, which includes a beautiful 100 pages artbook with unreleased works, will be available on August 30th in Europe and at a later date in North America.

1. Travel across the picturesque Shimane Prefecture

The map is very close to the actual layout of Shimane Prefecture and lets you travel between points of interest.

On your mission to find out what happened to your former pen-pal Aya, you have to visit her hometown and erstwhile friends. Each location and person you encounter is an important puzzle piece that you will need to figure out the mystery around her death. Which area will you investigate first?

2. Find clues and manage your inventory

Clues and helpful items you find can be managed via the inventory.

When visiting the iconic locations of Shimane, keep an eye out for clues and items! You can uncover them with the Magnifying Glass tool, which will be important to progress in the story and can be used as leverage when confronting Aya’s former friends and acquaintances.

3. Confrontation and interrogation

Not everyone you meet will be eager to cooperate, as your investigation stirs up painful memories…

After you found enough evidence and found your first leads, it is time to confront Aya’s childhood friends about their past! Question them in intense interrogation scenes, using your wits and information to uncover the truth about her secret – one puzzle piece at a time.

Follow in the footsteps of Aya Fumino, a school penfriend allegedly involved in a tragic murder 15 years ago. Explore the prefecture of Shimane, uncover clues, and use the letters you wrote to each other to track down her childhood friends for questioning. But perhaps these friends, now adults living a peaceful life, will not be eager to let their painful memories resurface…