Second trailer for Unknown Fate (Video)

Second trailer for Unknown Fate Video

The new footage take us deeper into the enigmatic world in which Richard, the main character, suddenly finds himself. Through his eyes we see more strange creatures, unknown artifacts and surreal locations. But the journey he has embarked on will also uncover some familiarities, and it’s Richard’s priority to determine the link between his real life and his newly discovered Unknown Fate…

About the game
Set off on an amazing journey through Unknown Fate. Passing seamlessly from the real world into a surreal universe you’ll come across strange characters and unfamiliar artifacts.

Engulfed in mystery, you’ll take cautious steps deep into the unknown, only to have your mind swept away by yet more questions, nibbling at your grasp of what you think is real and true – your certainties will start to crumble.

With no way back and a strong urge for answers beating in your temples, you push on, striving to get   grip on the odd difficulties surrounding you, eagerly awaiting the moment your mind will be untangled when the thread of your journey finally unravels all the way. But there is some way yet to go…

“Soon you will have all the answers to your questions. But you still have so much to see…”