Ambiera announced their next upcoming game “Smart City Plan”. The game will be available on Steam (Windows) and released early 2020.
“Smart City Plan” is a modern city builder game: Plan zones, roads, public transport like trains, trams, buses, subways and even the hypertube. Set taxes and policies and implement smart city technologies.
Features of the game:
– Public transport: Trains, trams, buses, subways, hypertube, and more
– Decide policies about energy and water usage, insulation, smart garbage management, taxes, etc
– Write laws about gun control, anti-corruption, pollution, speed limits, gambling and more
– Turn your city literally green by enforcing the usage of green living walls
– Attract special industries like space companies
– Solve traffic problems with an array of utilities and an intelligent road/rail building method
– Unlock sandbox mode to place every building exactly where you want it to be
– Zoning for commercial, industry, agriculture, office, and 3 types of residential areas