SWARM UNIVERSE: Arcade Shooter Game with Modding Focus (Video)

SWARM UNIVERSE: Arcade Shooter Game with Modding Focus Video

Based on Dedication Games’ 2010 release SWARM ARENA, SWARM UNIVERSE takes things to a new level. Countless hours went into every detail, from the basic experience of moving like a swarm, to detailed physics, story and design. Dedication Games even built their own engine to perfectly match the needs of this game.

The entertaining single-player campaign is hosted by virtual intelligence “Bot-7”. He guides the player through the game and pulls off a twisted chamber play with some unexpected turns. Furthermore SWARM UNIVERSE introduces online teamplay for up to 8 players. Accompanying the game’s core-content, Dedication Games plan to continuously create additional official content (single- and multiplayer) and share it through the Steam Workshop. Users are encouraged to do so as well, using the game’s fully integrated modding-toolkit.