Breathedge, Space survival game gets “life in space” video

Since Breathedge is a space survival game, we simply cannot pass on issues of life of an ordinary human being in outer space — and what it turns into under zero G.

Following an established tradition, we shot a video dedicated to everyday matters in space. This time there’s no urine or other indecencies (although a toilet still managed to get in the shot). We’re showing only the simple things that our hero will come across: food, sleep, an attempt to wash (as in a famous no-magic game, in the age of dense antiquity), and something else…

Breathedge is a space survival game. All you need is breath.

Don’t limit yourself to the obvious actions like eating or kicking down doors. It takes real creativity to beat up someone you just beat. We have a well-elaborated storyline, a villain, a princess, heaps of hilarious quests, your chick, grandpa’s portrait, and something else in store!

Breathedge will be available 2018 for the Windows PC.